Save in the South West with new Holiday Advantage app

Save on holiday treats with Holiday Advantage

Save on holiday treats with Holiday Advantage

Heading to the South West for your next holiday? Download the new Holiday Advantage app to save on your favourite attractions, cafes, wineries, breweries, retail outlets and more.

Creator and Dunsborough local Louise Robinson has borrowed from her successful Local Advantage model to create a tool for visitors to the region to enjoy many great offers from local operators, over and over again.

She said Holiday Advantage provided a cost-effective way for visitors to enjoy the best of the South West and would have broad appeal.

“Families and couples of all ages will find some great value offers which can be used multiple times, accessed when they need it, and for an affordable price,” she said.

“We’ve already got more than 90 offers from some great operators from Bunbury to Augusta. They’re predominantly locally-owned businesses providing some great deals for everything from caves and lighthouses to dining experiences and day spas.

“South West holiday makers can view all of the available offers online at before deciding on the membership that suits them best, making the process completely transparent and flexible.”

Holiday Advantage memberships are $9.99 for 3 days, $14.99 for 7 days, $19.99 for 30 days and $49.99 for a full year of savings.

Once downloaded, users can select their offers by category and name, and refine their search locations.

Businesses can also take advantage of there being no fees for them to participate, no commissions and no minimum offer requirement.

The Holiday Advantage app, and Local Advantage app, have been built in Busselton and are owned by locals who are passionate about showcasing the best their region has to offer at an affordable price. They are members of Australia’s South West and Margaret River Busselton Tourism Association.

To find out more visit or find them on Facebook and Instagram.

Image: Save on South West treats with Holiday Advantage. Credit: Jodie Berry Creative